Terms of use


The company "ΠΑΡΟΧΟΣ ΛΥΣΕΩΝ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ" ("the Company"), with a unique service provider license number for electronic issuance of documents Υ.ΠΑ.Η.Ε.Σ: 2024_01_119Parochos IT SA_001_Parochos Online_V1_05012024, has developed the software application "ΥΠΑΗΕΣ Parochos Online" and the corresponding Provider Service, through which businesses and freelancers can issue, authenticate, and validate their accounting documents (invoices or retail sales receipts) electronically.

These terms of use (the "Terms of Use") set the terms and conditions under which the Company provides the Provider Service to registered users/subscribers. The Terms of Use may be modified at any time. You can stay informed about any changes from the Company’s website. Use of the Provider Service implies unconditional acceptance of the Terms of Use (initial and modified) in their entirety.

Any user who completes the registration process automatically accepts all the general (and/or any special) terms of use as described below. If you disagree with the included terms (or some of them), you must refrain from using the Service. It is recommended to regularly check the website’s content for any possible changes.



Unless otherwise specified by Law or these Terms of Use, the following terms will mean (regardless of gender and number):

- Company: the anonymized company named "ΠΑΡΟΧΟΣ ΛΥΣΕΩΝ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ" with the trade name "ΠΑΡΟΧΟΣ ΙΤ Α.Ε.", G.E.MI. number 168346801000, located at Haidari, Attica, Papanikoli Street, no. 10, legally represented.

- Subscriber or User: the natural or legal person who has completed the registration process for the Provider Service and has legally obtained access and usage rights.

- Authorized User: the natural or legal person authorized by the User to access and use the Provider Service on behalf of the User.

- Provider Service or Service or ΥΠΑΗΕΣ Provider Software: the services of issuing, authenticating, and electronically validating the User’s Accounting Documents.

- Entities: persons defined in Law 4308/2014, as amended and in force.

- Data: all the data included in transaction files of the Entities, reflecting their accounting and tax results (including files sent or stored by the User in the Provider Service).

- myDATA Platform: the digital platform for receiving Data transmitted to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (Α.Α.Δ.Ε.).

- Accounting Documents: the invoices or retail sales receipts of the Subscriber, issued, authenticated, and electronically validated through the Provider Service.

- Final Recipient: the person to whom the Subscriber’s Accounting Documents refer.

- Law or Legislation: the entirety of applicable rules of current Greek Law, including any revisions or amendments.


Provider Service

The Company undertakes to provide the Subscriber with electronic issuance and authentication services of accounting documents through the Provider Service. Internet access and any equipment required for using the Service (including IT infrastructure, telecommunications connections, etc.) are the sole responsibility of the Subscriber.

The issuance of documents, the time of issuance, and their authentication will be governed by the applicable Law. Accounting Documents are authenticated using the SHA‐1 algorithm and are available to the Subscriber both electronically and in printable form.

Each Accounting Document will display the Company’s name and website, the authentication string, the M.A.R.K., and the document identifier, as specified by Law. For each issued document, the tax summary of the electronic document will be sent to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (Α.Α.Δ.Ε.).


Upgrades - Updates - Maintenance

Updating the ΥΠΑΗΕΣ Provider Software or upgrading specific functions of the Service may cause short or extended interruptions in its operation. During this period, the Subscriber may not have access to their Data, and there may be unintentional total or partial deletion of Data. The Company will make reasonable efforts to minimize downtime and prevent data deletion but does not guarantee the effectiveness or success of these efforts.

Periodic control and maintenance of the Company's systems may result in the inability to use the Provider Service. In the case of scheduled maintenance, the Company will inform Users about the nature of the work, the specific functions/services that will be affected, and the estimated recovery time, using electronic means at least 24 hours before the start of the work. Notification may not be provided in cases of force majeure, unforeseen circumstances, or emergency maintenance needs. The Company will make reasonable efforts to conduct the work on days/times that will least affect or inconvenience Subscribers' operations, but it cannot guarantee this will always be possible.

The Company is not liable for any damage the Subscriber may suffer from the use or inability to use the Provider Service, especially due to operational interruptions for upgrades, updates, control, or maintenance of systems.


Company's Responsibility

The Company will make every reasonable effort to keep its services available all day and throughout the year. However, it cannot ensure or guarantee uninterrupted access to the Service, especially in cases of force majeure or situations beyond its capabilities or jurisdiction (e.g., unforeseen situations arising from third parties, such as global internet access providers, data center service providers, mobile phone providers, etc.).

In case of damage or harm, direct or indirect, caused or connected in any way with the provision of the Provider Service, the Company is liable only in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence and up to an amount not exceeding the fee for the Service provided in the last year, as evidenced by the corresponding tax document. The User expressly agrees that the Company's liability is limited to this amount and is not liable for any other damage that may occur.

The Company disclaims any other warranty, of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Company's Obligations

The Company is obliged:

- (a) to provide the Subscriber and the competent services of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (Α.Α.Δ.Ε.) with immediate access to all Data concerning the User,

- (b) to transmit in real-time the data of Accounting Documents to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (Α.Α.Δ.Ε.) according to the provisions of the Law,

- (c) to safeguard the data of the documents and their corresponding authentication and documentation elements for as long as required by the applicable Law,

- (d) to ensure the anonymity of issued retail sales receipts,

- (e) to maintain the confidentiality of the data and information obtained during the provision of the Provider Service,

- (f) not to disclose data or individual information to third parties, nor to use them for personal or third-party benefit.


The Company is bound by the applicable legislation on the confidentiality of communications conducted through its network and the protection of personal data acquired from Subscribers.


User's Obligations

The User is obliged:

- (a) to comply with the applicable Law and good morals and refrain from any illegal or abusive behavior,

- (b) to respond in writing, in any suitable way, to documents or electronic requests from the Company concerning corresponding requests from Authorities or any third parties within an exclusive period of three (3) days from the Company’s request,

- (c) to comply with the Terms of Use,

- (d) to securely safeguard access codes, immediately notifying the Company in case of loss, theft, disclosure to third parties (or corresponding suspicion), and in case of unauthorized use of the Service or security breach,

- (e) to provide truthful and complete information, updating it for any changes to remain accurate and up-to-date. In case of inaccurate, incomplete, or non-updated information (as well as corresponding reasonable suspicion), the Company is entitled to temporarily suspend the use of the account,

- (f) to take all necessary measures and in any case fully compensate the Company, its legal representatives, employees, agents, etc., for any damage suffered as a result of illegal acts/omissions by the User or breach of the Terms of Use by the User or their agents.


By using the Provider Service, the User explicitly declares that:

- (a) they are an adult,

- (b) they act on their behalf individually or, if acting on behalf of a third party (e.g., a company), they have the required authorization, and

- (c) they accept the Terms of Use.


The use of the Provider Service is carried out with the care and exclusive responsibility of the User, who is solely responsible for:

- (a) the acts and omissions of themselves or any authorized persons acting on their behalf,

- (b) the accuracy, completeness, and legality of the data, information, and information stored in the Provider Service and contained in the income-expense movements submitted to the myData Platform,

- (c) the valid and timely transmission and storage in the Provider Service of all required income-expense movements,

- (d) the use of their account and every act performed during the use of the Service with their codes,

- (e) ensuring that any authorized users comply with the Terms of Use.


The User is expressly prohibited from:

- (a) subletting, transferring, or granting the use of the Service to third parties in any way, partially or wholly, directly or indirectly, with or without compensation,

- (b) processing, storing, or maintaining third-party personal data without prior written consent,

- (c) copying, modifying, decompiling, reconstructing, or creating derivative work from the source code, functions, or software programs supporting the Service,

- (d) using the trademarks and distinctive features of the Provider Service in any way.


The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the provision of the Service without warning to any User, if any of the above prohibitions are violated.

Final Provisions

If any part of the Terms of Use is found invalid or unenforceable by a competent judicial authority, the rest of the Terms will remain in full force and effect.

The failure of the Company to enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by the Company in writing.

The User may not transfer or assign these Terms of Use or any rights and obligations hereunder without the Company's prior written consent.

The Company may assign or transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms of Use to any third party without prior notice to the User.

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the User and the Company concerning the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, whether written or oral, concerning the subject matter.

The Terms of Use will be governed and construed in accordance with Greek Law. Any disputes arising from or in connection with these Terms will be exclusively resolved by the competent courts of Athens.
